We live in a world that is moving faster than ever before. Our lives are incredibly busy, and today's society tends to 'reward' those who are successful at multitasking. But we have to ask ourselves, does the speed of this modern world really equate to our individual or global happiness? Does working at a breakneck pace, on many projects at once, actually make us more productive in the workplace, or in life?
Are we happier?
Advances in technology and the Internet have made our world feel smaller and our society more global. Yet at the same time, we feel less connected, and more alone, than ever before in human history. By giving ourselves a mental break, by developing a calm and peaceful mind, we can learn how to better navigate today's world, to learn to respond to stressors instead of reacting to them.
The scientific benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation have been documented more and more in recent years. There are many different schools of meditation. What works for one, may not work for another. As a public school teacher, I experience how different students learn in different ways every day. The same can be said for developing a regular meditation practice, which I believe is a very personal journey.